Celebrating Our Collective Impact in 2023

Can you believe it? Another year has come and gone, and the season of warmth, gratitude and celebrating abundance is upon us again. As a small nonprofit, November and December are a cornerstone in our calendar—a period that we rely on each year to slow down, celebrate our collective impact and prepare for the year ahead. 

Last year, we wrote that 2023 would bring a new name, brand and evolved strategy for action for us. Looking back, this sentence only scratched the surface of what we were able to achieve! Because of your support, we made a bigger impact than ever in 2023.

This year, we… 

Influenced more than 20 state laws that will advance pressing solutions to the climate crisis. 

The Coalition’s 2023 crowdsourced policy platform reached more Coloradans than ever before. The platform played a role in the creation of laws that will, among other things, promote safety in the distribution of natural gas, advance thermal energy service, regulate the use of pesticides, remove barriers to water-wise landscaping and streamline solar permitting and inspection grants. We are proud to play a significant role in making Colorado’s policy inclusive and forward-thinking!

Hosted regenerative farm tours to support and uplift climate-smart producers.

The Coalition for a Regenerative Future coordinated two incredible days to foster connections between community and the land. A farm tour exclusively for local chefs and restaurateurs connected our food artists on both sides of the supply chain—completing the loop of “farm to table” with table back to farm. 

Elevated the voices of oil and gas workers to ensure a just transition to clean energy.

Last year, The Coalition hosted the Just Transition Roundtable Series. This series brought together representatives from labor, environmental and community groups to explore the needs of workers and communities that rely on the fossil fuel industry. This year, The Coalition collaborated with legislators on HB 23-1074, which mandates a comprehensive study of Colorado’s oil and gas workforce. The Coalition is now working on a research project to further elevate these voices. By focusing on workers and communities, Colorado takes a significant step toward an economically viable post-carbon future!

Launched The Coalition for a Regenerative Future nationally.

After years of being asked to expand our work, The Coalition officially launched nationally! The national expansion of The Coalition is a pivotal moment in the fight against extractive, exploitative systems that contribute to climate change, income inequality and more. Members of The Coalition will now be able to collaborate on a national level to guide systemic change. Just a month after launching nationally, The Coalition has more than 450 members across nine different states!

Invested in our cutting-edge green headquarters.

This year, we turned The Alliance Center’s patio into a diverse, colorful and climate-resilient pollinator garden. The Green Waves Garden is perfect for inspiring solutions and fostering engagement. It will enable more visitors, tenants and members of the public to connect with nature and cross pollinate. Additionally, The Center was recognized as a Gold Certified business by the Colorado Green Business Network (CGBN), chosen as the sole winner of the CGBN’s 24 Karat Gold award and received the Marquee Green Building Award from USGBC Colorado.

This list doesn’t even touch on our rebrand, which resulted in a new name, new logo and two new websites! The growth and impact of The Alliance this past year is truly astonishing—and it would never have been possible without our community. From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you for all that you have done to make this collective impact possible.

We need your support to make it happen again!

Colorado Gives Day is an essential fundraising effort for small, local nonprofits. Any donation made through our Colorado Gives Day platform between now and December 5th will help us make an even greater impact in 2024. Whether you donate $10 or $10,000, you are contributing to a regenerative future for all Coloradans. If you cannot donate, please consider fundraising on our behalf—every penny counts!

We are now at a tipping point of deep societal change, and The Alliance is on a springboard to scale our impact and reach. By donating today, you help Coloradans achieve a regenerative future in which all can thrive.